Statistical Blunders by
the Proponents and
Opponents of

Resource Index for presentation April 16,
Education Writers Association
 2004 Seminar

David Rogosa
Stanford University

      Handouts for April 16 EWA presentation

Current events wrapper for statistical material:  Who deserves custody of accountability--states or feds?
Recent NCLB revolts: O'Connell and 14 states 3/24,   Rendell PA 4/8

Accountability is not a bad thing, but it can be done badly. And that's where statisticians (should) come in, to insure that the policy directives are implemented in a defensible form.

Most "experts" in the educational research community that you as journalists would reasonably rely upon for expertise in assessment and accountability issues cannot supply such.  Arising from this dearth of knowledge on statistical issues key to accountability systems (or even large scale assessments) is the opportunity for many leading figures in educational research to substitute their own ideological (anti-testing) biases for the facts or to bash testing programs for self-promotional purposes.  All educational researchers best left behind?

NCLB Research and Journalism Vignettes  

Acknowledgements    Support for the research reported here has been provided by

  • the California Department of Education, Policy and Evaluation Division.
  • the Educational Research and Development Centers Program, PR/Award Number R305B60002 as administered by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. The findings and opinions expressed do not reflect the positions or policies of the National Institute on Student Achievement, Curriculum, and Assessment, the Institute of Education Sciences, or the U.S. Department of Education.