Education 401C  Autumn 2013
    Data analysis examples using R

David Rogosa Sequoia 224,   rag{AT}stat{DOT}stanford{DOT}edu   Office hours: Thursday 2:10-3
Course web page:

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 Data analysis examples using R.      Ed401 Aut 2013 (1 unit)
 We will do basic and intermediate level statistical analysis examples  
 (of the sort that students will have seen in their courses) in R.

Course Schedule
Five (2hr) mtgs Th 3:15-5  Room 160-321
Oct 3    1. Descriptive stats; analysis of means (up through anova) 
Oct 10   2. Correlation and regression (up through multiple regression, variable selection etc) 
Oct 17   3. Categorical vars (tables, logistic regression) 
Oct 24   4. Multilevel data, mixed-effects models (e.g. Bryk HSB data) 
Nov 7    5. Student analyses (students present a small analysis of their own)
Getting started (download and install R)
1/7/09.  NY Times endorses R: Data Analysts Captivated by R's Power
Current version of R is version 3.0.1 (Good Sport) released on 2013-05-16.
    For references and software: The R Project for Statistical Computing   Closest download mirror is Berkeley